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Amazing beauty in Si Thau Chai

Situated 1,400m above sea level, Si Thau Chai hamlet with cool weather all year round, is worth at least a weekend outing in the cloudy paradise.
With its pristine beauty, poetic natural scenery and the combination of the traditional cultural values of the Dao ethnic minority, Si Thau Chai hamlet in Ho Thau commune, Tam Duong district, the northern province of Lai Chau has become a spotlight in developing community-based tourism, and an ideal tourist destination.

Visiting the majestic hamlet, visitors can experience the forest worshipping ceremony of the Dao. This spiritual feature is held on February 1 and March 1 of the lunar calendar to pray for health, favorable weather and peace for the community.

In the area of the forbidden forest, prestigious people, on behalf of the locals, offer a pig to the forest god and implement rituals. After the ceremony, the locals will not be allowed to enter the forbidden area and not have any acts of encroachment in the forest. Thanks to forest protection, the natural majestic beauty has been preserved and contributes significantly to build a hamlet of community-based tourism.

Situated 1,400m above sea level, Si Thau Chai hamlet has cool weather all year round. Photo: Tat Son/VNP

Preparing for the forest worshipping ceremony at hamlet head Lu A Sang’s home. Photo: Nguyen Luan / VNA

Locals prepare for the 
spiritual rituals. Photo: Tat Son/VNP

Stone roads running around Si Thau Chai hamlet. Photo: Nguyen Luan/VNP

Si Thau Chai locals consider the forest a god who protects the whole community. Photo: Nguyen Luan / VNA

Located near Si Thau Chai hamlet, Tac Tinh is one of the most beautiful waterfalls
in Tam Duong district. Photo: Nguyen Luan / VNA

Visiting a red peach orchard is a fun experience for visitors. Photo: Nguyen Luan / VNA

Si Thau Chai villagers are always friendly with visitors. Photo: Nguyen Luan/VNP

Visitors at Si Thau Chai. Photo: Tat Son / VNP

Making tofu of the Dao people. Photo: Tat Son/VNP


Before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, Tam Duong district received more than 40,000 visitors and Si Thau Chai welcomed 11,000 visitors in 2019 with about 700 people experiencing home-stay service. The hamlet is a spotlight destination in discovering tour and community-based tourism in Lai Chau.  
The hamlet was a less-touristy area but now the locals are gradually getting used to welcoming visitors. They have invested in a home-stay model to serve tourists. At home-stays, visitors can experience the local daily life and learn about their traditional crafts.

Si Thau Chai is home to more than 60 households of Dao who still preserve their traditional cultural beauty and typical customs of the northwest region's hamlets. Besides the forest worshipping ceremony, the hamlet has unique rituals like the fire dance and Le cap sac (maturity ritual).
By Tat Son & Nguyen Luan        Translated by Nguyen Tuoi
