
15th National Assembly’s first session a success

After nine consecutive days of working in a serious, democratic, solidarity, wise, and responsible manner, the first session of the 15th National Assembly (NA) has successfully concluded. 
The first session of the 15th National Assembly (NA) concluded in Hanoi on July 28.

At the closing meeting, all 469 deputies present or 93.99 percent of total lawmakers voted to pass the session’s Resolution.

NA to include COVID-19 fight in first session’s resolution

Speaking at the event, NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue said after nine consecutive days of working in a serious, democratic, solidarity, wise, and responsible manner, the legislature has successfully completed its agenda.

At the meeting, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong delivered a speech to the legislature, which highlighted orientations to help the NA continue renewing and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of its activities.

The legislature decided to add the issue of COVID-19 prevention and control to the session’s Resolution, creating a legal foundation for the Government and Prime Minister to more actively and flexibly direct the pandemic fight.

The top legislator underscored that the first session delved into various important contents and took place amid complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in Ho Chi Minh City and southern localities with a risk of wide spreading.

Given such context, the NA has agreed to shorten the session’s duration by eight days compared to the plan, he said.

On behalf of leaders of the Party, State and NA deputies, 
National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue presents flowers to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. Photo: Tri Dung/VNA

The opening ceremony of the first session of the 15th National Assembly in Hanoi. Photo: Duong Giang/VNA

Vuong Dinh Hue was elected as Chairman of the 15th tenure during the first session of the 15th legislature in Hanoi on July 20.
In the photo: The newly-elected legislative leader takes the oath of office. Photo: Duong Giang/VNA

NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, the NA Vice Chairmen and
members of the NA Standing Committee make their debut. Photo: Duong Giang/VNA

Under the session’s Resolution, the NA affirmed that the entire political system, armed forces, people and business community joined efforts to overcome difficulties and challenges, curb the COVID-19 pandemic and fulfill socio-economic development and State budget tasks.

Amid the complicated developments of the pandemic, the NA asked the Government, PM, ministries, agencies and localities to actively grasp realities, continue adopting more drastic and effective measures to control the outbreak, cut the costs of conferences and domestic and foreign working trips by ministries, agencies and localities by at least a half, and save this year’s regular spending by additional 10 percent.

Senior personnel elected and approved 

The legislature affirmed that under the leadership of the Politburo and the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and the directions of the NA and relevant units, the elections of deputies to the 15th NA and People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 tenure have been a success.

With high consensus, the NA approved and issued 29 resolutions, including 17 resolutions on organization and personnel, 11 thematic resolutions, and one general resolution on the first session, promptly resolving immediate pressing issues and making decisions on important strategic and long-term ones.

Newly-elected State President Nguyen Xuan Phuc takes oath of office. Photo: Pham Kien/VNA

 Pham Minh Chinh was elected as Prime Minister of Vietnam for the 2021-2026 tenure on July 26 during the first session
of the 15th National Assembly in Hanoi. In the photo: Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh takes oath of office. Photo: Pham Kien/VNA

 Nguyen Hoa Binh was elected as the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court
for the 2021–2026 tenure on July 26 during the first session of the 15th National Assembly in Hanoi. Photo: Pham Kien/VNA

Leaders of the National Assembly congratulate Vo Thi Anh Xuan elected as Vice President of Vietnam,
Nguyen Hoa Binh elected as Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court and
Le Minh Tri elected as Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy for the 2016 – 2021 tenure. Photo: Tri Dung/VNA


At the session, the legislators elected the State President, NA Chairman, Prime Minister, Vice State President, Vice NA chairpersons, members of the NA Standing Committee, Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court, Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuracy, NA Secretary General, Chairperson of the Council for Ethnic Affairs, heads of NA committees, and State Auditor General.

It also ratified the appointment of Deputy PMs, ministers and other Cabinet members, and justices of the Supreme People’s Court, while approving a proposed list of Vice President and members of the National Defense and Security Council.

NA’s discussions focus on national target programs, five-year development plan

The national target programs on sustainable poverty reduction and new-style countryside building and the socio-economic development plan for the next five years were among the focuses of the ongoing first session of the 15th National Assembly (NA) on July 27.

Investment in the two national target programs for 2021 - 2025 was under discussion in the morning.

In the afternoon, legislators looked into the five-year national financial plan, the five-year public borrowing and debt repayment plan, and the medium-term public investment plan for 2021 - 2025.

They also approved the draft resolutions on the socio-economic development plan for the five-year period and the 2022 law and ordinance making program.

During the session, the NA discussions focus on the national target programs on sustainable poverty reduction
and new-style countryside building and the socio-economic development plan for the next five years.
In the photo: NA deputy from Hanoi Nguyen Thi Lan speaks at the session. Photo: Duong Giang/VNA

Minister of the Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan answers questions of NA deputies. Photo: Duong Giang/VNA

 The session also discussed the national financial plan and public debt borrowing and payment for the 2021-2025 period.
Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc explains opinions of NA deputies. Photo: Duong Giang/VNA

The 15th National Assembly passed a resolution on adjustments to the State budget expenditure estimate
and approval of the 2019 State budget balance on July 28 as part of the first session in the 15th tenure.
The NA deputies of Yen Bai province approve the resolution. Photo: Phuong Hoa/VNA


At the first session, the 15th NA discussions focus on the socio-economic development plan for the next five years, the five-year national financial plan, the five-year public borrowing and debt repayment plan, and the medium-term public investment plan as well as the national target programs on sustainable poverty reduction and new-style countryside building for 2021-2025. 
On July 28, the NA is set to vote on a resolution on the Government’s structure and membership, the appointment of the justices of the Supreme People’s Court, and resolutions on socio-economic and State budget affairs.

Lawmakers will work on the appointment of deputy prime ministers, ministers, and other Government members. They will also vote on the State President’s proposal on the vice chairpersons and members of the National Defense and Security Council, along with a resolution on the medium-term public investment plan for 2021 - 2025.

NA continuously renews and improves operation quality and efficiency 

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has urged the National Assembly to further uphold its role and position in creating a legal framework for the country’s activities.

In his keynote speech at the opening of the 15th NA’s first session in Hanoi on July 20, Trong asked the legislature to speed up the issuance and improve the quality of legal documents, soon build a legal system to meet demand in reality and build and supplement laws in key areas that make breakthroughs in socio-economic development.

The NA needs to continue renewing and further improving operation quality and efficiency to meet the country’s requirements and political tasks in the new period, he said, adding that to such end, it is necessary to fully understand the role, position and responsibility of the legislature in the nation’s political system led by the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), as well as promptly institutionalize the Party’s policies and guidelines to meet demand in reality and public expectations.

The legislature also needs to step up external activities, active and proactive global integration, contributing to performing the Party and State’s foreign policy of multilateralization and diversification of relations.

The Party chief stressed that achievements made by the NA over the past 75 years are the result of the sound leadership of the CPV - a decisive factor for the legislature to fulfill tasks entrusted by the people.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and leaders of the Party and State cast their votes
to appoint Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers and Government’s members. Photo: Tri Dung/VNA

The Government’s members for the 2021-2016 tenure make the debut. Photo: Doan Tan/VNA

 The 15th NA’s first session National Assembly wrapped up successfully on July 28.
NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue delivered a speech to conclude the first session of the 15th National Assembly. Photo: Pham Kien/VNA 


The National Assembly must continuously reform and perfect itself to improve its working quality, thus meeting requirements in the new period, NA Chairman Vuong  Dinh Hue has said. 

Speaking at a press conference in Hanoi on July 22, the top legislator pointed out three key points in the operation of the NA in the time ahead, one of which is raising the efficiency of law building work and tightening disciplines.

The closing ceremony of the 15th NA’s first session were attended by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, leaders and former leaders of the Party, State and Vietnamese Fatherland Front. 
Secondly, reforming the legislature’s supreme supervision must be considered a key task, he continued, stressing the need to accurately select important matters of the country for supervision.

Thirdly, it is important to engage experts, scientists and collaborators in the process of making decision on important matters of the country.

He said the NA's operation needs the intelligence of not only the 499 deputies in the NA but also all the people. He added that the performance of deputies, especially full-time deputies, is the decisive factor to the operation quality of the legislative body.

Being elected to the NA is the honor and pride of the deputies, which comes with heavy tasks, the NA Chairman said, calling on NA deputies to work hard to fulfill their responsibility towards the nation./.

