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13th National Party Congress – milestone of Party, nation

The 13th National Party Congress, to open next week, is a milestone in the development of the Party and the nation, according to a high-ranking Party official.

In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency, Vo Van Thuong, Politburo member, permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and head of the Committee’s Information and Education Commission, said the congress will set forth a vision to mid-21st century, aiming to turn Vietnam into a socialist-oriented developed country.

Accordingly, Vietnam is set to become a developing nation with modernity-oriented industry and surpass the low-middle-income level by 2025; a developing nation, with modern industry and high middle income by 2030; and a developed nation with high income by 2045, the official elaborated.

The congress will review the implementation of the resolution adopted at the 12th National Party Congress and other documents such as the platform of national construction during the transition to socialism and the socio-economic development strategy for 2011-2020, and the assessment of the 35-year renewal and 30 years implementing the 1991 Platform.

According to Thuong, over the past five years, the entire Party, people and army have carried forward solidarity and made efforts to complete set targets and tasks, creating a premise for the next tenure.

He cited the country’s annual average GDP growth at 6 percent during the 2016-2020 period, along with achievements in education-training, science-technology, culture and social affairs, with the poverty rate dropping to below 3 percent.

Vietnam has paid attention to natural resources management, environmental protection and climate change adaptation, he added.

The country has made strides in disease prevention and control, especially COVID-19, he said, stressing the country’s socio-political stability, consolidated national defence and security, expanded external relations, and improved position, prestige and role in the regional and international arena.

Due attention has been placed on Party building and rectification, and the fight against corruption, wastefulness and other bad deeds has reaped marked results, the official went on.

Thuong said documents to be submitted to the congress have been prepared thoroughly and contributed by all-level Party committees, National Assembly deputies, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organisations, officials and Party members, people from all walks of life, and overseas Vietnamese.

Regarding preparations for the important political event, Thuong said the work has been basically completed, adding the organising board and relevant agencies and units are continuing with preparation review.

The Information and Education Commission has charted information and communications plans, and instructed art performance programmes to celebrate the congress, he continued.

He stressed the launch of a website on the 13th National Party Congress in six languages – Vietnamese, English, Russia, China, France and Spanish, a press centre for the congress, and an exhibition showcasing books on the event.

Thuong used the occasion to laud the role played by press agencies in disseminating the congress, contributing to consolidating public trust in the Party and promoting emulation movements.
